An easier way to find the information you need on local government meetings

Minutes automatically transcribes local government meetings into a searchable database

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Instant information on topics you care about

Local government meetings can stretch on for hours. Minutes allows you to keep tabs on the issues you care about, when you don’t have time for the full meeting.


Filling a need in local newsrooms

At least 1,800 communities in the U.S. no longer have a local news source. Minutes is making it easier for residents and journalists to stay informed through its continuously-growing dataset of transcripts for thousands of local government meetings

Our partners

Google News Initiative
The KnightLab at Northwestern University
The Associated Press
The University of Michigan School of Information

Minutes was created by journalists at Michigan Public, and grown with the help of many partners working together to make local, civic information easier to find.

How it works →

Latest updates

AP Local News AI Case Study: Minutes


Michigan Radio’s new tool makes news buried in city council meetings easier to find


Newsrooms answer the call to innovate

Editor & Publisher

Sign up for the beta

We are currently beta-testing Minutes with a select group of users. Contact us to get started.

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